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The Hon. Mrs Regina Ip, GBM, GBS, JP (Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council)

The Hon. Mrs Regina Ip, GBM, GBS, JP

Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council
Jessica Chan (JLL)

Jessica Chan

Eleanor Coleman (Partner at St. James's Place Wealth Management)

Eleanor Coleman

Partner at St. James's Place Wealth Management
Sally Dellow (Managing Director, Hong Kong of Dramatic Difference)

Sally Dellow

Managing Director, Hong Kong of Dramatic Difference
Emery Fung (Awkward Conversations)

Emery Fung

Awkward Conversations
Joanne Hon (Managing Director, Hong Kong of EQUINIX)

Joanne Hon

Managing Director, Hong Kong of EQUINIX
Jasmine Hung (Acting CEO, Hong Kong and Head of Pensions Strategic Partnerships at HSBC Asset Management)

Jasmine Hung

Acting CEO, Hong Kong and Head of Pensions Strategic Partnerships at HSBC Asset Management
Callister Koh (Chief Human Resources Officer, Group Customer & Wealth at Prudential Plc)

Callister Koh

Chief Human Resources Officer, Group Customer & Wealth at Prudential Plc
Kirti Lad (Executive Director of Meraki Executive Search & Consulting Limited)

Kirti Lad

Executive Director of Meraki Executive Search & Consulting Limited
Bosco Leung (Social Responsibility Lead at MTR Corporation Ltd)

Bosco Leung

Social Responsibility Lead at MTR Corporation Ltd
Kelly Libarios (Senior Vice-President at Jefferies)

Kelly Libarios

Senior Vice-President at Jefferies
Eileen O'Connell (Partner at EY)

Eileen O'Connell

Partner at EY
Michelle Saddington (EY)

Michelle Saddington

Karen Seymour (Chief Impact Officer at World Flourishing Organization)

Karen Seymour

Chief Impact Officer at World Flourishing Organization
Rachael Shek (Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills)

Rachael Shek

Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills
Dr Andrew Stock (Clinical Psychologist & Founding Partner at Therapy Partners)

Dr Andrew Stock

Clinical Psychologist & Founding Partner at Therapy Partners
Lisa Tarquini (The Menopause Space)

Lisa Tarquini

The Menopause Space
Sudesh Thevasenabathy (Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Asia at Manulife Hong Kong)

Sudesh Thevasenabathy

Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Asia at Manulife Hong Kong
Betty Wan (Group Head of Organisational Development and Talent at CLP Holdings Ltd)

Betty Wan

Group Head of Organisational Development and Talent at CLP Holdings Ltd
Kathryn Weaver (Partner at Seyfarth Shaw)

Kathryn Weaver

Partner at Seyfarth Shaw
Kate Wood (Inclusion Lead at HSBC)

Kate Wood

Inclusion Lead at HSBC