The Hon. Mrs Regina Ip, GBM, GBS, JP
Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive Council- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Jessica Chan
JLL- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Eleanor Coleman
Partner at St. James's Place Wealth Management- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Sally Dellow
Managing Director, Hong Kong of Dramatic Difference- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Emery Fung
Awkward Conversations- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Joanne Hon
Managing Director, Hong Kong of EQUINIX- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Jasmine Hung
Acting CEO, Hong Kong and Head of Pensions Strategic Partnerships at HSBC Asset Management- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Callister Koh
Chief Human Resources Officer, Group Customer & Wealth at Prudential Plc- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Kirti Lad
Executive Director of Meraki Executive Search & Consulting Limited- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Bosco Leung
Social Responsibility Lead at MTR Corporation Ltd- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Kelly Libarios
Senior Vice-President at Jefferies- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Eileen O'Connell
Partner at EY- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Michelle Saddington
EY- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Karen Seymour
Chief Impact Officer at World Flourishing Organization- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Rachael Shek
Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Dr Andrew Stock
Clinical Psychologist & Founding Partner at Therapy Partners- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Lisa Tarquini
The Menopause Space- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Sudesh Thevasenabathy
Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Asia at Manulife Hong Kong- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Betty Wan
Group Head of Organisational Development and Talent at CLP Holdings Ltd- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Kathryn Weaver
Partner at Seyfarth Shaw- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Kate Wood
Inclusion Lead at HSBC- www.firstnamelastname.nl
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