
Why Join?

The Chamber's membership ranges from SMEs to large corporations, covering an exciting and diverse spectrum of business activities. This provides an excellent forum for networking, and many of the Chamber's functions are designed for this purpose. We also organise a very successful programme of breakfast briefings, luncheon speeches and networking events to keep our members informed and inspired.

Here are just a few of the ways membership could benefit you. If you are interested in joining the Chamber and would like to learn more about our membership, please contact

  • Additional Member
    12 months
    Package price
    HKD 3,100

    Organisations with a Chamber membership are able to enrol Additional Members within their companies. There is no limit to the number of Additional Members who can be added and for every FIVE Additional Members enrolled, the company will receive ONE FREE Additional Member.

  • YNetwork Member
    12 months
    Package price
    HKD 1,700

    Executive who is under the age of 35 can join as a YNetwork Member. A copy of the applicant's ID card must be submitted with the application as proof of age.