The Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) is a free trade agreement concluded by the Mainland of China and Hong Kong in 2003. CEPA gives Hong Kong businesses, products and services the most preferential treatment to tap into the huge Mainland market. On 9 October 2024, the two sides signed a new agreement under the CEPA framework to further enhance liberalisation of trade in services, making it easier for Hong Kong enterprises and professionals to set up enterprises and develop business in the Mainland.
CEPA is nationality neutral and does not impose restriction on the source of investments. Overseas investors, including British investors, are welcome to establish their businesses in Hong Kong, or join forces with enterprises in Hong Kong to make the full use of CEPA opportunities in entering the enormous Mainland market for services as well as goods.
Ms. Maggie Wong, Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, will talk about the latest opportunities offered by CEPA.
This event is hosted by Jeremy Sheldon.
Please note that Business Attire is required by the Hong Kong Club - collared shirts must be worn by men, and jeans, sandals and sports shoes are not permitted. To see the full list of club rules on dresscode, please click here.
Ticket includes a full hot English breakfast buffet.
Supported by the Trade & Logistics Committee
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